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Professional Photographer in Lincoln

Create the Perfect
First Impression

With Stunning Headshot Photography

About Me.

My job is to help you feel awesome in front of the camera.


My journey as a photographer began in the entertainment industry, of all places, where I worked as an actor in London. I had bought a camera to make short films, but instead, I started my own business. I helped other professional actors bring out their true potential by providing them with cinematic portfolio photos.


Now, I capture business professionals, with the same eye for casting, always exploring how a person can be represented in various ways in just a head and shoulders photo -

an engaging headshot.



The Studio

Located in Lincoln city centre, the Headshot Toby studio is the perfect creative space to feel comfortable and relaxed in front for the camera.


Headshot Toby is the creator of The Business Companion Magazine, created with the intent to build a platform where Lincolnshire businesses could learn from and support one another, regardless of company size or sector. 

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Take a listen

Filmed in the Headshot Toby studio, the Brand You podcast aims to demystify personal branding and make it accessible and effective for everyone. Whether you're an entrepreneur, professional, or just starting out, Caz and Toby provide you with the tools to elevate your personal brand.

Got a question?

Headshots are an investment, and investment is all about timing. 


If you're feeling camera shy, sign up to join my mailing list to receive advice and tips!


Or, if you're ready to get started and need clarification on something,

get in touch here.

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