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In your booking confirmation you will receive a link to access my Preparation Guide covering everything you need to know to make the most of your session, including directions, wardrobe and frequently asked questions.

We will begin the session with a refreshing cup of tea or coffee to get to know each other a little better, discuss your business and role and what we are aiming to get out of the session and your new headshots.

Each session includes an outfit change(s). Bring plenty of options and we can your outfits, make up and hair styles to achieve a variety of looks. There is plenty of advice on this in the Preparation Guide. 

I will guide you fully through various positions and expressions ensuring your images are full of energy and life, ensuring you feel comfortable and confident!

Within 24 hours of your session you will receive your personalised online gallery. Your selected images are retouched and made available for download and begin using!

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